昆山全揚精密模具有限公司由臺灣吉堂工業(yè)有限公司于2005年轉投資設立,從事鎂、鋁、鋅合金模具設計及制造,專業(yè)生產(chǎn)N/B外殼、內(nèi)構件、汽車零件、摩托車零件、腳踏車零件、投影相機外殼,手機外殼、氣動工具、通訊器材、家電器材、運動器材……Quan Yang precision mold co.,LTD. by the Taiwan professional die-casting mold factory in 2005 to set up investment, engaged in professional magnesium, aluminum, zinc alloy die design and manufacturing, professional the production of N/B shell, internal components, auto parts, motorcycle parts, bicycle parts, projection camera case, mobile phone shell, pneumatic tools,...