品牌:RETZ瑞茨/我們一直致力于流體控制和測控領域的持續(xù)創(chuàng)新,始于2005……氣動梭閥壓縮空氣迫使活塞往復運動,達到閥門的開啟與關閉。介質壓力作用在閥座上,活塞幾乎不受阻力干擾,所以閥門可快速開或關。經改進的閥內結構,使介質流態(tài)更好,壓損更小 retz The compressed air of the pneumatic shuttle valve forces the piston to move back and forth, achieving the opening and closing of the valve. The medium pressure acts on the valve seat, and the piston is almost unaffected by resistance, so the valve can quickly open or close. Improved valve internal structure, resulting in better fluid flow and reduced pressure loss
進口氣動梭閥工作原理 Working principle of inlet pneumatic shuttle valve
1.關閥Close the valve
當"A"孔進氣("B"孔排氣)時,活塞向"D'口移動并壓在閥座密封上,此時閥門關閉。When the "A" hole intake ("B" hole exhaust), the piston moves to the "d'port and presses on the valve seat seal. At this time, the valve is closed.
單動常閉型的彈簧安裝在"A"端腔室。在非控制時,活塞是壓在閥座上,所以其常用的是關閉位。The single acting normally closed spring is installed in the "A" end chamber. In case of non control, the piston is pressed on the valve seat, so its most commonly used position is the closed position.
2.開閥Open valve
當"B"孔進氣("A"孔排氣)時,活塞軸從閥座向℃"口方向移動并在行程末端停止,此時閥門開啟。When the "B" hole intake ("a" hole exhaust), the piston shaft moves from the valve seat to the "C" port and stops at the end of the stroke. At this time, the valve is opened.
單動常開型的彈簧安裝在"B"端腔室。在非控制時,活塞是離開座的,所以其常用的是開啟位。The single acting normally open spring is installed in the "B" end chamber. In case of non control, the piston leaves the seat, so its most commonly used position is the open position.
進口氣動梭閥特點 Features of imported pneumatic shuttle valve
進口氣動梭閥技術參數Technical Data
管道壓力 Fluid Pressure Max 1.6MPa(232psi)
控制壓力 Control Pressure 0.3-0.8MPa(43.5-116psi)
控制介質 Control Fluid 中性氣體或空氣Neutral gas,Air
閥體材料 Body Material CF8M/CF8
密封材料 Seals Material 三元乙丙EPDM/氟橡膠FKM(VITON)
適用介質 Applicable Fluid FKM 適用于絕大多數介質,蒸汽除外.FKM-Suitable for most fuid,except for steam.EPDM適用于熱水和蒸汽,不適用于油脂類,燃料等.EPDM-Suitable for steam and hot water,unsuitable for oils, greases, fuels etc.
介質溫度 Fluid Temperature -20℃-+150℃(FKM),-20℃-+130℃(EPDM)
環(huán)境溫度 Ambient Temperature -20℃-+80℃
控制形式 Control Type 單作用常閉、常開,