Certificate of free marketing in the country of origin and / or of the products exported to Algeria為阿爾及利亞開立信用證前需向銀行提交備案的一種證明文件,可以理解為:出口阿爾及利亞的自由銷售證書,此文件必須拿到貿促會進行CCPIT認證,做成證明書的形式,不能在資料文件上直接蓋貿促會的章,認證后提交至對方銀行即可開出信用證. ~~Q~~2051_3358_37
出口阿爾及利亞自由市場證書英文名稱是:Certificate of free marketing in the country of origin and / or provenance of products exported to Algeria.
法文名稱是:attestation de libre commercialisation dans le pays d'origine et/ou de provenance des produits exportes vers l'algerie.
At to the request of (此欄填寫進口商名稱和地址)
Certifies that the product (s) (商品名稱,型號)
With HS Code(s) (商品稅目號,也就是海關編碼)
Exporter by (生產(chǎn)商或者出口商公司名稱)
are in accordance with the regulations in force or with the international standards for safety requirements and protection of consumer
And are freely commercialized in (5) China.