1. Continuous low-rate charging:按制造商規(guī)定的方法充電28天
接受準則:no fire, no explosion, no leakage.
2. Vibration:模擬運輸時引起的振動
接受準則:no fire, no explosion, no leakage.
3. Moulded case stress at high ambient temperature:當電池在高環(huán)境溫度下使用不能暴露內部組件
接受準則:No physical distortion of the battery case resulting in exposure of internal components.
4. Temperature cycling:電池交替暴露在高溫和低溫中不能著火或爆炸
接受準則:No fire, no explosion, no leakage.
5. Incorrect installation of a cell (nickel systems only):模擬使用時不正確的安裝方式
接受準則:No fire, no explosion.
6. External short circuit:短路正極和負極不能著火或爆炸
7. Free fall:電池從1m高度跌落至地板不能著火或爆炸
接受準則:No fire, no explosion.
8. Mechanical shock (crash hazard):模擬運輸或處理期間遇到的沖擊,不能著火或爆炸,或泄漏
接受準則:No fire, no explosion, no leakage.
9. Thermal abuse:當電池在一個的溫度(130度)下不能著火或爆炸
接受準則:No fire, no explosion.
10. Crushing of cells:給一個13KN的力對電池進行擠壓,不能著火或爆炸
接受準則:No fire, no explosion.
11. Low pressure:模擬在空運時遇到的低氣壓(11.6Kp),不能著火或爆炸
接受準則:No fire, no explosion, no leakage.
12. Overcharge for nickel systems:以2.5倍額定電流充電至額定容量的250%
接受準則:No fire, no explosion.
13. Overcharge for lithium systems:按制造商給定充電方式進行較長時間充電,不能著火或爆炸
接受準則:No fire, no explosion.
14. Forced discharge:含有多個電芯的器具中的單個電芯要承受極性反向,不能著火或爆炸
接受準則:No fire, no explosion.
15. Cell protection against a high charging rate (lithium systems only):充電器發(fā)生故障或電芯并聯(lián)的電池組中的電芯受到過大的充電電流,不能著火或爆炸
接受準則:No fire, no explosion.